Chiropractor in Shakopee Helps With Whiplash Injury.

One of the most common stories I get as a chiropractor has to do with a previous auto accident.  It’s amazing how so many people have a similar story, about the car accident they had 5, 10, 15 years ago.  Unfortunately for most it also has a similar ending, with some sort of permanent injury and pain that slowly got worse after the accident.  The worst part about all lot of these stories is, most people with a permanent whiplash injury could have prevented it, or made much better with proper treatment after an auto accident.

Every year there are 6 million injuries due to motor vehicle crashes, and about 3 million of them suffer a whiplash injury.  Of those, it’s estimated that up to 1 million will develop chronic pain.  The biggest issue with this is that patients wait weeks, and months before getting treatment for their injuries.  With a whiplash injury beginning treatment is crucial to help prevent permanent disability.  Chiropractic adjustments, along with subtle stretching and massage can help prevent arthritic changes.  It can also help prevent scar tissue from being laid down which decreases range of motion, and can lead to chronic lifetime problems.

What are some of the most common whiplash injury symptoms?whiplash injury

  • Neck pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Occipital headache
  • Thoracolumbar back pain
  • Upper limp paresthesia
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

So what to do if you or a loved one are involved in a car accident?  If you have neck pain, whether mild or severe get it checked out before it’s too late.  Even something as simple as some minor neck pain can lead to chronic pain.  Call today (952)456-6611 to set up a free consultation, or visit for more information about auto accidents, whiplash injury, and what chiropractic care can do to help.